Friday, March 20, 2015

The BUST Diy Guide to Life {Book Party #1}

Happy Friday! Welcome to my first *real* post. This week, I have been struggling with a creative block like no other. Usually, when I'm in these funks, I turn to the almighty Internet for inspiration. However, this past week, my Internet has been acting out, and I haven't known what to do with myself. I am not joking when I say, the world is a whole lot different when you can't Google every question you have.

Therefore, I have gone back to the old ways and picked up some books! I often forget about all of the craft books that I have sitting on a shelf with all of my other things. So, yesterday, I rediscovered some true gems that you should all check out!

And then it hit me: books + crafts = blogging possibilities! So here is my first post in a little series I'd like to call "Book Party", because why not? The plan is:
  1. Pick a craft book.
  2. Write a review/overview of sorts.
  3. Try to make something from/inspired by the book!
Given that not all of the books will be "how-to" type of things, I may just choose something that calls out to me and turn it into whatever creation comes upon me.

Thus, here is my first book: The Bust Diy Guide to Life by Laurie Henzel and Debbie Stoller!

look at that hair!
cutest sewing project ever

a perfect picnic
perhaps one day I will skateboard...

So in conclusion, you can basically live your whole life based on this book because there is an idea for everything. I think I will still be reaping the benefits from this book until I'm thirty, so I think I'll keep busy 'till then.

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