Monday, April 6, 2015

Searching for Inspiration

School has been kicking my butt as of late, so creatively, I haven't made ANYTHING. Every time I sit down to make something, I realize that I've lost my motivation. Shouldn't be that hard, right? Simply get back up and make something, anything, to get back into the swing of things. But unfortunately, life isn't always that simple, and so, I've been looking elsewhere for some encouragement.

We all need a little pick me up now and then, so today I wanted to compile some of the art that makes me feel better when I just want to eat cake batter ice cream and hate the world.

I thought I could use an inspirational banner of my own, so I made this little reminder to keep making things, even when I don't feel like it (which these days, is 88.8% of the time).

Plus, I cut out these letters spelling "happy" in hopes of creating a Happy Birthday banner. Well, I guess I didn't finish, but that's the whole point. Your initial vision of a creation, doesn't have to match the end product. Now I can look at my wall everyday and remember to be happy. You never know what you'll end up with...

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