Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Some of my failures

I make a lot of stuff, and thus, I make a lot of mistakes. I often see a DIY project and take it on like it'll be no problem. People making the tutorials make crafting look like a breeze - no uncooperative glue, weird stray marks, or ugly end products. But the harsh reality is, sometimes you fail. So I wanted to share some of my more comical efforts.

1. Rosettes.
Rosettes make some of the cutest little "awards" so I was really excited when I got (yet) another craft book. I saw the instructions, got my materials, and dove right in. I should've known, it's never that easy.
Craft book
I pictured in my mind what my beautiful rosettes would turn out to be. Then I picked up the scissors and glue, and well...


My results were quite interesting. As you can see in the picture above, it turned into somewhat of an abstract art piece. Something about taking a rectangular piece of paper and folding it into a circle just didn't work for me. So as of now, I have not mastered the skill of rosette making.

2. Sewing
I've been sewing for a few years now, so you'd think I'd have it down pat. I know the basics; I've made aprons and bags and pouches and skirts. But a shirt? Who knew it would be so hard. I started this creation two years ago, no joke, and have been grappling with it ever since. I was going off a pattern, nothing too difficult, but it never got finished. Perhaps this one is more of a forgotten project rather than a failure, but all I know is that I probably couldn't wear it out of the house.

At least the fabric is cute.

In which my shirt looks like a potato sack, because that's essentially what it is.

3. Clay creations
I love polymer clay and it tends to be easy to work with. Squish it around. Make a mistake? Just roll it back together. I actually made a pretty cute flower for this one, but the problems came after the fact. Whenever I make things out of clay and after I bake them, I have a terrible habit of breaking them in any which way. This little flower only sacrificed one petal, but still, it's a bit tragic. Perhaps it's time to invest in some glue.

When tragedy strikes.

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